If you thoroughly contemplate who is to take credit for the invention of the modern Bicycle, you should eventually land upon the above image, or a sketch of the same, attributed to Leonardo, from the Codex Atlanticus. When working through the science, reducing possibilities, removing the improbable, and distilling the possible down through a funnel like a slow drip coffee maker, you will eventually be left with the same dilemmas as any scientific discovery, and that is... Your Hypothesis. You naturally will have all sorts of reasons for your hypothesis, which may already be corrupt; This is of course because you began with a starry-eyed theory and set about to prove or disprove it. This stated, it generally follows that your outcome, (it's history) will fit the Theory.
Personally, I'm a bit of a dreamer, and lean toward starry-eyed ideas and positive outcomes. quia ipse dixit I think This elegant design of a non-functional bike, is bullshit, but the romantic vision of this being true and further attributed to one really cool dude, and not a fraud, is sexy. Just the same it's shit. First, the paper is wrong. Second the product is inelegant, and not seeringly insightful. Opinions vary, with the schism split clearly between those who'd love to believe that Leonardo did this, (Invented the Modern Bicycle) -- and experts who remain not just dubious, but maintain that this is a fraud. May be the makings for a great Caper Movie?, but may always remain unresolved, because people remain romantically attached to the savant ideal that Leonardo not only the Tank, Airplane, and the Helicopter, but also the Bicycle. More details can be found at Cycle Publishing, By Van Der Plas Publications, Called, "The Leonardo da Vinci Bicycle Hoax".
January 2025
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