![]() To be dissuaded by inclement weather is no longer a thing. This is simply because, to remain indoors for a solid year, cannot be one's destiny. Living through adversity means braving some of it's sharpest edges, and being brave really is not the point. Bragging rights do often come to those who struggle, true -- But as everyone does so now, it's not a badge of courage. Rule Number 5: Harden the Fuck Up. Just get your ass outside, and if you happen to stumble upon a shelled out building burnt down the evening before, or a carcass in the road eviscerated by coyotes... Then may it serve as a reminder that you have it far better than some. Velominati state that riding outside in the cold makes you a badass. This is a stretch of course, but doing so does give you something to bitch about during and later. Those who remain silent, returning from an epic winter ride with ice beset upon their brow, edge closer to doing it for the right reasons. Rule Number 9: If you are out riding in bad weather, it means you are a badass. Period.Fair-weather riding is a luxury reserved for Sunday afternoons and wide boulevards. Those who ride in foul weather – be it cold, wet, or inordinately hot – are members of a special club of riders who, on the morning of a big ride, pull back the curtain to check the weather and, upon seeing rain falling from the skies, allow a wry smile to spread across their face. This is a rider who loves the work. So perhaps now is the ideal time to work on your character, welcome winter, and get away from it all, if only for a few frigid hours. As they say..., "A bad day riding outside is far better than a great day on a fucking Peloton". This will serve you well when the weather breaks and your milk-toast friend with bad balance and wobbly legs drags you out hungover on a sunny Morning before 8 AM. Rule Number 10: It never gets easier, you just go faster.As this famous quote by Greg LeMan tells us, training, climbing, and racing is hard. It stays hard. To put it another way, per Greg Henderson: “Training is like fighting with a gorilla. You don’t stop when you’re tired. You stop when the gorilla is tired.” Sur la Plaque, fucktards.4
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